
By flab, 2010年3月6日


2010 Winter International Workshop at Kyung Hee Univeristy
Kyung Hee University / Waseda University / Central Academy of Fine Art in
*Theme -Horizontal Town in Seoul – the Collective Domain with diversified
The site is at the perimeter of Seoul that had been formerly belonged to the
green belt district. The area is under development of the new housing for
the low-income citizens and the urban design competition is ongoing for the
area at the moment. Typically vertical typology of housing design such as
linear blocks or towers is applied in similar developments in Korea. As a
result housing complexes are tailored to maximize quality of individual
units while lack placeness and public domain of collective urban space. The
goal of the workshop is to investigate the new form and method of
aggregation for the low-rise housing as well as new possibilities of diverse
collective domains in low-rise housing design. Following issues are to be
dealt in the proposed design.
1. Concepts of public space for low-rise housing
2. Unit type that respond to the contemporary life style of the residents
and the site plan.
3. Collective outdoor space design that would organize the aggregation of
the housing complex.
The site including the existing housing is divided into 8 areas. Each team
is assigned one of the areas and will develop a housing design with the
given program and condition. Land use plan shall be followed as the given
map. The land for community park and parking is open for new proposals of
community facilities and retail for the district. The team assigned for
those lots are asked to propose their own design of them.
*Period *
*Participant Students *
40 persons

Eunsuk Lee (Dean), Ilhyun Kim, Kwansoo Kim, Dooyeul Lee

Furuya Nobuaki

Ding Yuan

